Author of Dancing with Statues and The Belfast Girl
I came to Jacqui with an early draft of my first novel. Her feedback was detailed, constructive and well thought out. She was able to point out and explain to me exactly what was and wasn’t working. I had previously taken a few writing courses and read lots of books on creative writing. However, I learned more from studying Jacqui’s feedback on my work than any course. Her comments not only improved that particular novel but they also made me a better writer in general.
Jacqui writes:
Caroline worked with me as a Writing Coach, then returned to our consultancy once she had redrafted, this time working with Writing Coach consultant Kate Lyall-Grant who completed a full report on Caroline’s novel. Both Kate and I are delighted to see Caroline’s work in print!
Find out more about Caroline Doherty de Novoa
Caroline Doherty de Novoa is the author of the novels Dancing with Statues and The Belfast Girl. Dancing with Statues, set in Ireland and Colombia, is being developed into a film. Her short stories have appeared in various collections, and she is the editor of the works of creative non-fiction Was Gabo an Irishman? Tales from Gabriel García Márquez’s Colombia and Cocktails with Miss Austen: Conversations on the world’s most beloved author. She has most recently published a middle grade novel, Noora and the Seers, under the name C.D. de Novoa.
To buy Dancing with Statues from Amazon click here (affiliate link)
To learn more about Caroline’s books visit her website https://www.