We asked one of our clients, Mary Fletcher, to share her experience with The Writing Coach and how our services have helped her.

For me, it began with a dream. Distant fantasies of a writing career were the safety-net I’d fall into when the grittiness of real-life and redundancy, zero-hour contracts and soul-crushing interviews set my spirits tumbling. I wanted to turn my ambition and multi-faceted writing into a career—wanted my words to be published and spread across the farthest corners of the internet. The problem? Excuses. Lots of them.
For something to change, I needed to stop making excuses and act. So, one grim Sunday night, I got online and started looking for a writing coach. Whilst there were plenty of services that would help me to complete my novel, I wanted a writing service that would offer long-term support and give me real practical advice to build a writing career. I soon found The Writing Coach and was quickly impressed with its wide variety of services, experts, and commitment to clients.
Though I was uncertain of which coach to work with, after filling out a—surprisingly in-depth—form, I discovered I was best-suited to working with Jacqui as her expertise in business and life-coaching suited my writing priorities perfectly. Our first meeting was quickly arranged and despite the flurry of nerves (and web-cam embarrassment!) I was soon put at ease and the coaching really began.
What to expect each month
As well as regular feedback on your writing project, each month you can fill out a pre-meeting form for your upcoming coaching session to discuss whatever aspect of writing you want to explore. After each meeting, you can fill out another to reflect on your development, any eureka moments, and—most importantly—set your ‘action points’ to meet by the next session.
I love the action points as they help make me accountable for my own writing progress and help me to overcome that pesky procrastination each time I’m tempted to let things slide. Jacqui is able to question me about my goals and, should I struggle to meet any of my writing or business targets, offer guidance to help get me back on track. Furthermore, Jacqui will go the extra mile to make sure I get the best possible advice—even offering the expertise of another coach who specialised in my novel’s genre, and recommending regular Writing Coach online networking events.
What has changed in my writing life
Since joining The Writing Coach, I’ve finally discovered a sense of purpose and direction which I’d been desperately lacking. Despite only having signed up in December, I have made plans to host writing workshops for new writers and young people (even gaining experience of guiding local youth by taking a temporary position in a school), have begun to write online business content by harnessing my previous marketing experience, and had the courage to start a new, exciting novel thanks to the enthusiasm and wisdom of my writing coach.
The future is no longer something to be grudgingly approached, but now is something to be explored and savoured. There are no more excuses—no more ‘one day’s. Thanks to The Writing Coach, there is simply ‘this day’ and, with the support and unerring encouragement of Jacqui and the rest of The Writing Coach team, I can’t wait to see how my writing journey will continue to grow and thrive.
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