Author of Cuckoo, Tarnished, Every Vow You Break and The Long Fall.
At the beginning of 2009 I had a dozen short stories, two novels in rough draft, and an unfinished screenplay. I was writing in my spare time – I was a full time website designer and have three children. I had no idea what writing project to concentrate on, and had completely stalled. A friend recommended Jacqui and, over six months, she gave me the confidence to take the big step of committing a whole year to one project. She also provided excellent literary feedback, helping me turn my first chapters into little diamonds.
Now, my first novel Cuckoo – the one Jacqui helped me with – has been published by Headline. I am about to hand my editor my second. I have one of the best agents in the country, have sold Italian, French, German and Dutch rights and I write full time. I can say unequivocally that if I hadn’t contacted Jacqui I would still be battling with html. These days the only website I look after is my own!

Find out more about Julia Crouch
To buy Cuckoo from Amazon click here and Every Vow You Break here (affiliate links)
Read about the lead up to Julia’s first publication here: I sold my NanoWriMo Novel
Since working with Jacqui, Julia has gone on to have three more novels published.